个人荣获德国红点奖4项、美国idea设计奖4项、欧洲设计奖4项,意大利a-design 5项、法国创新奖、法国paris design awards、韩国asia设计奖、韩国k-design award、好设计提名奖(国家科学技术奖励工作办公室登记备案(奖励编号0283)、台湾金点奖、中国智造大奖、全国美展、红星奖等大奖120余项,个人专利54项,发表sci国际论文12篇、ei论文及核心、期刊论文、研讨会论文20篇,参加国际研讨会汇报多次,主持及参加国家级、省厅级课题12项。指导大学生创新创业课题23项,任教期间带领学生团队获得各类工业设计奖项多达480余项及37项组织奖及优秀指导老师奖,受教育部邀请作为嘉宾参加大型教育节目《我是先生》获得社会界一致好评。
1、lin, x. m., ho, c. h., xia, l. t., & zhao, r. y. (2021). sentiment analysis of low-carbon travel app user comments based on deep learning. sustainable energy technologies and assessments, 44, 101014.
2、lin, x. m., ho, c. h., & yao, h. l. (2019). an analysis of users’ decision-making of demands in city sharing bicycles with application of environmental management. ekoloji, 28(107), 3097-3106.
3、lin, x. m., ho, c. h., & xia, l. t. (2018). analysis of image and molding of sharing bicycle frame in urban traffic efficiency based on fuzzy theory. ekoloji, 27(106), 1161-1166.
4、lin x, ho c, lin z, zhang b (2018), an analysis of the attractiveness of shared bike in mainland china. advances in intelligent systems and computing, vol. 739 pp. 218-228 published by springer verlag. ei
1、2017国家重点研发计划课题项目, 2017yfb1402104,《基于民族民间文化的创新工艺产品与数字博物馆应用示范》,2017.12-2020.11 ,570万元,已结项;
2、2019年中国工程科技知识中心建设项目, ckcest-2019-1-11《创新设计知识服务系统》(中国工程院项目,属于国家部委项目),2019.11-2020.11,173.68万,已结项;
5、 2016年浙江省社会科学界联合会研究课题,2018b35,《“海丝文化”基因下杭州旅游与文化创意产业机制构建及策略研究》,2017.8-2019.8,自筹,已结项
(4)2019年德国红点奖 概念奖 1项
(5)2014年第十二届全国美术作品展览 入选
1、lin, x. m., ho, c. h., lin, z. z., & zhang, b. y. (2018, march). an analysis of the attractiveness of shared bike in mainland china. in international conference on kansei engineering & emotion research (pp. 218-228). springer, singapore.(国际研讨会-马来西亚古晋)
2、xing-min lin, chun-heng ho,(2018). an research in image molding of microwave handle: application of fuzzy theory. 2018 international conference of organizational innovation.fukuoka university, japan, 116 - 1250.(国际研讨会-日本福冈)
3、xing-min lin, chun-heng ho, lu-ting xia (2019). application of qfd and ahp in curriculum planning of industrial design education.2019 fifth international conference for design education researchers. ankara, turkey,57-1035.(top国际研讨会-土耳其安卡拉)
4、xing-min lin, lu-ting xia, ruo-yi zhao ,research on the shaping of the household hair dryer handle using fuzzy theory .international joint conference on information, media and engineering (ijcime2020) (国际研讨会-日本大阪)
5、lu-ting xia, chun-heng ho , xing-min lin,study on the charm of tourism apps under the background of smart tourism .international joint conference on information, media and engineering (ijcime2020) (国际研讨会-日本大阪)
6.xia, l. t., ho, c. h., & lin, x. m. (2021). research on a green design course in industrial design.conference.(top国际研讨会-山东青岛)
7.xing-min lin,zhen ge,lu-ting xia.(2022.11) research on the shaping of the household hair dryer handle using fuzzy theory.the 3nd international conference on advanced intelligent technologies (icait2022). smart innovation, systems and technologies(issn: 2190-3018)(国际研讨会-中国三亚)